Carnarvon Church of Christ

Welcome to Carnarvon Church of Christ, we're a Christ focused and family friendly church.
We'd love for you to join us and we look forward to seeing you.

What happens at our Sunday Service

At Carnarvon Church of Christ each week:
•We gather to worship Jesus our Lord and Saviour through a time of singing and praise.
•We then enter a time of celebrating the grace of God as we share in communion together.
•After communion is finished our primary aged children go out to Kids Church.
•The remaining church family is then encouraged as they explore and recieve the message that is given from God’s Word, the Bible.
•We encourage you to stick around and get to know us over a coffee, tea or cold drink before heading home.

Family Friendly :
•Our main chapel has a crèche area for children 0-4 years of age. Parent supervision is required.
•All Kids Church Teachers have Working With Children Checks and the church employs the Child Safe Program.
We’d love to have you join us at our service. We look forward to seeing you.

Church/religious organization